Rev It Up: 10 Immune System Boosters

Is your immune system running smoothly? Much like owning a car, it’s only when something goes wrong that you begin to examine under the bonnet. Fortunately, Mother Nature has some answers. Natural herbal remedies like bee pollen, spirulina and wheatgrass can aid and even prevent immunity related allergies and symptoms. Here are 10 natural herbal remedies that you’ll want to put in your tank…


Sentenced to a lifetime at the back of the pantry shelf, pickled beetroot is the stuff of childhood nightmares. Beetroot powder, however, is completely different. Packed full of Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C, it’s renowned for being high in nitrates which has particular relevance to immunity. Nitrates can improve endurance and reduce at-rest blood pressure. Keeping the blood pressure at a healthy level allows the body to focus on its main functions, including a healthy, well-running immune system. Wondering how to use beetroot powder? Try adding it to your usual breakfast – it adds taste to smoothies and can be sprinkled onto your cereal.


Taking a vitamin that can reduce the effects of the common cold is not something to be sneezed at. Vitamin C is revered for the support it can give the immune system and, whilst it may not stop you actually catching a cold, it can certainly shorten and reduce your suffering. Not only will it save you from wiping your way through countless boxes of Kleenex, Vitamin C is also thought to assist the body in repairing any damaged tissue, lowering hypertension and combating stress. Taken as a tangy, citrusy powder it makes a zingy wake-up drink that’ll put some zest in your day.


Bee Pollen is a buzz word in the world of natural remedies, particularly if you suffer from seasonal allergies. Much like over-the-counter pharmaceutical remedies, bee pollen (ground or in granules) reduces the histamine that your body releases which means goodbye runny nose and auf wiedersehen puffy, itchy eyes. As well as aiding immune system reactions to seasonal allergies, bee pollen can be an effective remedy for sufferers of respiratory symptoms such as asthma and sinusitis. Use it as a topping on your cereal, mixed in with granola or whizz it up into a smoothie. Bee-licious. 


At first glance a green-coloured algae powder may not seem appealing. However, putting the colour to one side, Spirulina is regarded worldwide as a ‘super food.’ Why? Because it’s packed full of protein and vitamins making it an ideal addition to anyone’s diet but particularly so for vegetarians. What really ‘supes up’ the superiority factor is the fact scientists believe it can boost immune system function. In particular, it is linked to alleviating sinus complaints. Try adding Spirulina to water or juice. 


Forget Tequila. If your immune system needs a pick-me-up what you really need is a shot of Wheatgrass. The super-green, super-food delivers oxygen to the body’s cells, strengthening their performance and in turn, making our immune system better equipped to fight off bugs and recover from illness. Taken as a shot it’s a quick and easy way to make sure you remain standing firm (whereas Tequila leaves you face down on the floor).

Psyllium Husk

A poor digestive system can lead to overloading the body’s immune system, leaving you vulnerable to disease. Adding a daily dose of Psyllium husk to your diet can promote good digestive health which results in regular stools and easing the body of sugar-cravings. Psyllium husk can be taken in water or juice – make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day after taking this to avoid dehydration.


Want to treat yourself? Coating the digestive tract with alkalising Aloe Vera is an indirect way of giving your immune system a boost. As digestion and immunity are intrinsically linked it makes sense to look after your gastrointestinal health. Alka Aloe is a tasty juice that efficiently oxygenates and soothes the gut and increases the pO2 levels (the amount of oxygen in the blood). 


There’s a saying that ‘one man’s junk is another man’s treasure’ and this is very much the case with rice bran. Once discarded during the production of white rice it is now deemed as a health boon. A well-balanced diet featuring rice bran is effective for balancing cholesterol levels, and, importantly, when the body is at its best the immune system works at its best too. Try sprinkling on top of your cereal or on yoghurt.


What’s not to like about coconut oil? This alkaline wonder oil, made from the drupe (go on, Google it) contains antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. The lauric acid in the oil is great at fighting bacteria and warding off diseases. On top of that coconut oil also works wonders on the outside of the body, improving skin and hair condition. Stock up now!


There’s more to Brewer’s Yeast than beer and bread – although that’s not a bad start. Containing a heady mix of B vitamins, chromium and probiotics this natural remedy works wonders on the digestive system, can rev up your energy levels and, importantly, boost the immune system. You can ad Brewer’s Yeast to your diet by mixing it with water, juice or adding to recipes. Cheers!


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