Wonder Foods Quick Guide to Stress Management

If you’re experiencing stress, then we at Wonder Foods are here to help.  April is Stress Awareness month so it’s perfect timing to take on some tips on how to implement stress management strategies.


Work, finances, family commitments, not to mention the coronavirus and extreme weather events eastern Australia have been experiencing lately, can all cause dangerous levels of stress.   This stress can wreak havoc on your mental and emotional state, and your physical body.


Your body is designed to deal with a certain amount of stress, as in the ‘fight or flight response’ indicated when you might come across imminent danger.  But when stress is seemingly constant, for example if you are going through a divorce or the demise of a loved one, stress can become chronic, which can be very harmful to your health.


Symptoms of stress can include:

  • aches and pains
  • racing heart beat or chest pain
  • high blood pressure
  • insomnia
  • headaches, dizziness or shaking,
  • muscle tension or clenching
  • digestive or stomach problems
  • low libido
  • weak immune system
  • anxiety, irritability, sadness or depression
  • panic attacks


Here are 5 tips that can help you with stress management.


#1  Breathe

Your body is very clever – it breathes by itself, and we mostly take it for granted until we have trouble breathing.


Meditation and mindfulness with focused, deep breathing can promote self-awareness and ease the effects of worry and stress.


Here is a very simple breathing which can assist with stress.

  • Breathing in through your nose for a count of 4 and exhaling (mouth or nose) slowly for a count of 8. The number is subjective, as long as the exhale is twice as long as the inhale.

The slow exhale stimulates our PNS (parasympathetic nervous system), which is our rest and relax arm of our nervous system.  You could incorporate this technique with gentle or slow movement i.e. yoga, Tai Chi or Qigong.

All you need is 10-15 minutes where you won’t be interrupted.  The best time of the day is in the morning, before you’ve had a coffee.  You can sit up or lay down.  Concentrate on your breath coming into and out of your body.  If you feel your mind starting to wander, celebrate that awareness and bring your focus back on your breath.  Practise this every day.  You will be amazed at how refreshed and renewed you start to feel.  Learn to use this technique every time you sense that stress is taking hold, day or night.


#2  Exercise

Moving your body is an excellent way to help manage stress.   Whether it’s going for a gentle walk around the block, doing a gym workout or a run up and down the stairs at work, exercising can release stress from your body and clear your mind.


Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise five times a week.  The best stress-relieving exercise, we believe, is a walk in nature.  Find the nearest park or beach and start with a gentle walk.  Make sure you take time to stop and breathe.


Ground yourself, for example take your shoes off and plant your feet on the grass or sand, get your feet wet in the ocean and maybe even hug a tree.  There’s a lot of benefit in what is known as ‘grounding’ or ‘earthing’.  Here’s a scientific article on grounding and how it can help your body:  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1550830719305476


#3  Prioritise

Most stressors are caused by not being able to say ‘no’ and poor time management.  It’s difficult to stay calm and focused when there’s ‘so much going on’ and ‘too much to do’ – familiar words?


One of the ways you can help yourself is by making a list of all the things you need to do and number them in order of importance.   As you tackle each task and complete them, cross them off.  This, believe it or not, is a very satisfying and de-stressing exercise.


Make sure you do any obligatory or unpleasant tasks early in the day.  This will ensure even a better feeling as you go on with your day.


#4  Talk it out

Australians generally have a “she’ll be right mate” attitude, but chronic stress isn’t ‘right’.  People need people, and social connections or someone to talk to, are one of the most important aspects to stress management.


Talking about your problems can actually help you to compartmentalise them, which can help stop you from feeling overwhelmed.   It can be interesting, also, how listening to other people’s issues can make you feel better about your situation.


So, be willing to talk about it.   If your friends aren’t available, try a family member.

Sometimes, even chatting with someone you don’t know, like a shop assistant, can help lighten the load.   If you’d prefer, you could always talk to your doctor or a psychologist.  Open your mouth – you’ll feel much better for it.


#5  Supplement

Stress can quickly deplete your body of essential vitamins and minerals.  Eating healthy food, drinking plenty of water, minimising your alcohol intake and taking high quality supplements can ensure that you’re giving your body the possible chance to not only survive stress, but manage it.


Wonder Foods have a wide range of supplements and other tools and tips which can help your body, and mind, deal with stress.  Give your body extra support with our Multiplex Minerals, Wonder Mag, Tangy Vitamin C and Mega 8, to name just a few.  We love Wonder Foods Liquid Oxygen to support the body when feeling stressed.


Stress, especially chronic stress, is considered to be the cause of many physical and mental ailments, and even death.  It’s not something you want in your life for an extended time.


Hopefully, this short guide helps you start to manage your stress effectively.


If you’d like to read more on how you can manage stress, here’s a great article we found – https://www.helpguide.org/articles/stress/stress-management.htm


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